Google China Censored Search Coverage

Thursday 16 August 2018

My reporting so far on the Google-China censorship story (from oldest to newest):

Google Plans to Launch Censored Search Engine in China, Leaked Documents Reveal (1 August)

Google Struggles to Contain Employee Uproar Over China Censorship Plans (3 August)

Lawmakers Pressure Google Over “Deeply Troubling” China Censorship Project (4 August)

Inside Google’s Effort to Develop a Censored Search Engine in China (8 August)

Questions for Google on China Censorship (9 August)

Google Censorship Plan Is “Not Right” and “Stupid,” Says Former Google Head of Free Expression (10 August)

How Google's China Censorship Would Likely Violate Its Human Rights Commitments (12 August)

Google China Censorship Project Named After Co-Founder Sergey Brin's Luxury Yacht? (16 August)

Google Staff Tell Bosses China Censorship is “Moral and Ethical” Crisis (16 August)

Google Executives Misled Staff in Meeting on China Censorship. Here Are 13 Questions They Must Answer. (17 August)

World’s Leading Human Rights Groups Tell Google to Cancel Its China Censorship Plan (28 August)

Senior Google Scientist Resigns Over “Forfeiture of Our Values” in China (13 September)

Google China Prototype Links Searches to Phone Numbers (14 September)

Google Suppresses Memo Revealing Plans to Closely Track Search Users in China (21 September)

Former Google Scientist Tells Senate to Act Over Company’s “Unethical and Unaccountable” China Censorship Plan (26 September)

Leaked Transcript of Private Meeting Contradicts Google’s Official Story on China (9 October)

Google CEO Tells Senators That Censored Chinese Search Engine Could Provide “Broad Benefits” (12 October)

Amnesty International To Stage Worldwide Protests Against Google’s “Dystopian” Censored Search for China (27 November)

Hundreds of Google Employees Tell Bosses to Cancel Censored Search Amid Worldwide Protests (27 November)

Google Shut Out Privacy and Security Teams From Secret China Project (29 November)

Rights Groups Turn Up Pressure on Google Over China Censorship Ahead of Congressional Hearing (10 December)

Google CEO Hammered by Members of Congress on China Censorship Plan (11 December)

Leadership of Google's Dragonfly project (13 December)

Google’s Secret China Project “Effectively Ended” After Internal Confrontation (17 December)

Google Faces Renewed Protests and Criticism Over China Search Project (18 January 2019)

Google Employees Uncover Ongoing Work on Censored China Search, (4 March 2019)

Google is Conducting a Secret "Performance Review" of Its Censored China Search Project (27 March 2019)

A few interviews on the topic:

PRI's The World (2 August)

NPR (2 August)

CNBC (2 August)

BBC (at 14m) (2 August)

Tech News Today (2 August)

ABC (6 August)

TBS EFM (15 August)

PRI's The World (17 August)

Slate "If Then" podcast (22 August)

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